Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tomorrow I'm 40

I used to think 40 was the age old people were.  I don't feel old, maybe that will change tomorrow.  Sure sometimes when I've been sitting too long my body creaks when I stand up.  And yes sometimes my eyes take a little longer to focus these days.  But I am still mostly the same person I was at 20.  I would still rather see an action movie based on a super hero than a cheesy chick flick.  I still prefer my ice cream come in a cone.  Yet there are things that have changed, I no longer feel the need to stay up all night or even past 10:00 just to prove I can.  And who ever would have guessed that I would not only know how to sew but actually enjoy it?  So many birthdays to look back on now.

Look even at 4, I loved the Mouse!
7 was the year a little kitten crashed our 4th of July party.  I was in love and after we found out who she belonged to my parents let me keep her as a birthday gift.  I named her Tigger!

This might have been my 7th as well, but isn't it a great picture?  I remember this party and the popping balloon game.

I don't have a photo of my 13th birthday but it was one of my favorites.  Breakfast on top of the Space Needle is quite a memory.  I'll have to look for a photo the next time I visit my mom.

There was my 16th and cruising around in my little green Bug.
And no other birthday can compare to my 20th, when my Hailey came along and changed my world forever.
Another favorite was my 36th spent at my favorite place on Earth , complete with a Monte Cristo at the Blue Bayou.
And I know I will always cherish my 38th for the bonding experience I had with Hailey.
So many wonderful memories, and I hope there are many more to come.  And no matter what everyone is saying tomorrow or how I feel some days, I am NOT old yet :)  Maybe I'll spend my 50th in my beach house.....

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